Sunday, June 7, 2009

wierd neighbors

We finally bought the house. "The House" is named this because it took us a battle of red tape to buy. Being a foreclosure brought us alot of hardship, six months worth to be exact. We know that we would be absolutley the most blessed humans alive if we are able to be in the house by december of this year, it needs alot of work and effort and time invested in it and LOTS of money. So the house has been nicknamed this because it has been such a hurdle to us.

Today while raking up piles and piles of cut jungle strewn about the "yard" ( and by yard I mean total and utter caos)the neighbor comes out of her house and says she has a leaf blower we can use if we need to. This niceness is so odd to me because this is a lady that has not spoken to us. She nor her husband even bothered to wave at us while we sat on the porch for hours while inspection after inspection occured. They have had this silent approach that I do not understand. Our nature is different than thiers. As in we are Andy Griffeth and they are Rosanne Bar.

I say thanks and ask about the property line. She says that it has always been a "community yard" ( does this term even exsist?), they have mowed it even though it wasn't thiers and in return have used it as thier own when they wanted to. I told her we wanted to fence it in, she says "Do what you want but that is kinda silly cause then you'd have all this to mow..."

I have a feeling these people and us will not mix well. I am from the land where you stay on yours and we stay on ours and no one gets hurt. They tend to party here and there and we tend to go to bed at 8pm here and there. Two kids-full time student-full time job-newlyweds-and lots of home improvement makes us very tired. We will not appreciate being woke up at 2 am to a yard full of drunken bafoons.

I hate this sorta situation, it was one reason we bought instead of rented.

1 comment:

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